History of SYPTE 2361 (B361CDT)

2361 is a Dominator with East Lancs. bodywork that was new in September 1984 to East Bank garage. It is the sole survivor of the batch of 15 delivered to the SYPTE.

It looks almost identical to the Alexander RH body in its styling it was christened the East Lancs. ‘E Type’ body.

During its service career it operated throughout the county, before ending its service life at Olive Grove, it being withdrawn in 2004 with an engine defect, and entering preservation shortly after.

The engine defect has since been repaired and the vehicle now runs well once again. Otherwise the vehicle is stored in ‘as withdrawn’ condition. It is hoped to recommission this vehicle to a road worthy condition in the not too distant future.

If you feel that you can take this vehicle on and give it the attention that it deserves, then please get in touch with the SYTT at syttevents@mail.com

Owner - Private