Some of the vehicles in our collection are owned by South Yorkshire Transport Trust and are available for purchase for further restoration only.
Currently these are: SYPTE 11, 1831, 1861, and 1918.
If you are interested please contact the SYTT via the 'contact us page'
Privatley Owned Vehicles
Reg - N600 ABC
Chassis - DAF SB220
Body - Northern Counties
Reg - E4 Bus
Chassis - Ford B700
Body - Thomas
Reg - TET 745S
Chassis - Leyland Fleetline
Body - Roe
Reg - AXI 2533
Chassis - Bristol RELL
Body - Alexander
Reg - AWJ 292T
Chassis - Leyland Leopard
Body - Plaxton
Reg - FDT 43C
Chassis - Leyland Royal Tiger Cub
Body - Roe
Reg - XWX 795
Chassis - AEC Reliance
Body - Roe
Reg - 8176 WY
Chassis - AEC Regent V
Body - Roe
Reg - YN53 EFE
Chassis - Volvo B7TL
Body - Wright
Reg - HKU 361W
Chassis - Daimler Fleetline
Body - Alexander
Reg - 657 BWB
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Park Royal
Reg - UWA 312L
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - East Lancs
Reg - GWA 836N
Chassis - Daimler Fleetline
Body - ECW
Reg - XWG 655T
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Roe
Reg - KKU 120W
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Alexander
Reg - C877 JWE
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Alexander
Reg - W437 CWX
Chassis - Volvo Olympian
Body - Alexander
Reg - DHE 353
Chassis - Leyland Royal Tiger
Body - Brush
Reg - W471 MKU
Chassis - DAF SB220
Body - East Lancs
Reg - Y547 XNW
Chassis - Optare Solo
Reg - A859 SUL
Chassis - Leyland Titan
Body - Leyland
Reg - K236 MAP
Chassis - Volvo B10M
Body - Alexander
Reg - KWA 22W
Chassis - Leyland National MK2
Body - Leyland
Reg - KDT 206D
Chassis - Daimler CVG6
Body - Roe
Reg - CWG 696V
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Alexander
Reg - A317 XAK
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Northern Counties
Reg - D479 OWE
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Alexander
Reg - P915 RYO
Chassis - Volvo Olympian
Body - Northern Counties
Reg - MWG 941X
Chassis - Bristol VR
Body - ECW
Reg - L456 JCK
Chassis - Volvo B10L
Body - Saffle
Reg - WU02 KVV
Chassis - Volvo B7TL
Body - Alexander
Reg - N715 TPK
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - East Lancs
Reg - SWB 287L
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Alexander
Reg - LWB 377P
Chassis - Volvo Ailsa B55-10
Body - Vanhool McArdle
Reg - PWE 534R
Chassis - Leyland Fleetline
Body - Alexander
Reg - CWG 707V
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Alexander
SYPTE 2361
Reg - B361 CDT
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - East Lancs
Reg - D489 OWE
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Alexander
Reg - NHE 40F
Chassis - Daimler Fleetline
Body - Northern Counties
Reg - L4 YTB
Chassis - Dennis Dart
Body - Reeves Burgess
Reg - S659 JSE
Chassis - Volvo B10M
Body - Jonkheere
Reg - N767 CKY
Chassis - Volvo B10M
Body - Alexander
Reg - UWA 293L
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Alexander
Reg - LWB 388P
Chassis - Volvo Ailsa B55-10
Body - Vanhool McArdle
Reg - UDT 189S
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - East Lancs
Reg - JKW 290W
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Alexander
Reg - A414 YAK
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Alexander
Reg - FVA 462D
Chassis - Ford R192
Body - Duple
Reg - A658 OCX
Chassis - Leyland Olympian
Body - ECW
Reg - ROX 645Y
Chassis - MCW Metrobus Mk2
Body - MCW
SYTT Owned & Loan Vehicles
Reg - S90 FTR
Chassis - Volvo B7LA
Body - Wright
Reg - C53 HDT
Chassis - Dennis Domino
Body - Optare
Reg - JKW 331W
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Marshall
Reg - DFP 492Y
Chassis - Leyland Tiger
Body - East Lancs
Mainline 651
Reg - H651 THL
Chassis - Volvo B10M
Body - Alexander
Reg - A298 XAK
Chassis - Dennis Dominator
Body - Alexander
Reg - MV02 VEK
Chassis - Volvo B7L
Body - Wright Eclipse Urban
Reg - JHE 161W
Chassis - MCW Metrobus MK1
Body - MCW
Reg - R790 WKW
Chassis - Volvo B10BLE
Body - Wright
Reg - OSC 602V
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Alexander
Reg - C113 HDT
Chassis - Leyland DAB
Body - DAB
Reg - OKW 515R
Chassis - Leyland Fleetline
Body - MCW
Reg - D852 RDS
Chassis - Leyland Lion
Body - Alexander
Mainline 402
Reg - K402 EDT
Chassis - Dennis Dart
Body - Northern Counties
Reg - WHE 349J
Chassis - Leyland Leopard
Body - Willowbrook
Reg - WYG 256S
Chassis - Leyland Atlantean
Body - Roe
Reg - A118 XWE
Chassis - MCW Metrobus MK2
Body - MCW
Reg - AAK 111T
Chassis - Leyland National MK1
Body - Leyland
Reg - G601 NWA
Chassis - Volvo B10M
Body - Alexander
Reg - EDT 644J
Chassis - AEC Matador
Reg - DUG 167C
Chassis - Leyland PD3
Body - Roe
Reg - OWJ 388A
Chassis - Leyland PD3
Body - Roe
Reg - FET 218
Chassis - Austin K8
Reg - OWJ 354A
Chassis - Leyland PD3
Body - Roe
Reg - H749 SWA
Chassis - Ford Cargo
Reg - FSK 502
Chassis - AEC Matador
Reg - 3913 WE
Chassis - Leyland PD3
Body - Roe
Reg - GWA 261C
Chassis - JCB 4C
Reg - OWJ 782A
Chassis - Leyland PD3
Body - Roe